Archive for January, 2014

What I did the last month

I have a lot of things in my backlog, so I concentrate my efforts to show you the main wargame conventions of November. But even in December there were interesting things, like this couple of fairs: Più Libri Più Liberi (small book editors fair) and Arti & Mestieri (handcrafted foods and objects). I spent a lot of money in books and foods, obviously. Moreover as Ganesha Games we met a couple of times to play with games and to playtest some secret future Osprey releases, eating pizza, Greek street food and drinking mjed. As Ferrum et Gloria author I playtested in another two occasions some new things for Ferrum et Gloria part 2. In the last days I refurbished this blog with new colours and contents.
In the meantime we even had Christmas and New Year events, with a lot of correlated lunches and dinners. January and February are empty as conventions or tournaments so I will be more free to work on FeG, even if at the end of January there is the Nettunia landing anniversay. Next posts still with Lucca 2013 report: it was an huge fair.


Happy New Year!

Another year! Toward the future, looking back to the past. I saw the last year statements and I found that no target were achieved. So sad. However you can read 2013 posts on this blog to discover that in the past year I did something. Well, a lot of convention mainly. So, I try even this time to plan stuff relative to miniatures. I think (again) it is the time to publish Ferrum et Gloria. Final edit will start briefly. Ready for April? In the meantime I will start to write the second part. We will continue to produce new supplements for Of Gods And Mortals. And to work on new projects for Osprey. Another rule book is in the planning with a new system by me but, due to my scarce free time, written by Andrea. My father is painting my miniatures at bulk rates so I will have a lot of new little friends. I’m planning conventions and tournaments too, so I pinpointed some dates to my personal calendar. I’m updating the look of the blog. You will see all here. Happy New Year!
