Ganesha Games is not a lazy publisher. Well, something is missing in the schedule progress but we have a release every 2 weeks in the last months. Too many games to produce.

The English edition of Faustus Furius is out. And the Italian one? Due to work at job and at home, the translation process was slowed. But now we are at the final proofreading by Andrea. Than the editing by Nic. And after the final control, so the printing. Ready for Lucca.

More for Four Against Darkness. This is the first spin-off, a tale that is not in the same fantasy universe than other books. Here we have the same game engine but adapted to Arthurian quests. It is not a dungeon with paladins but a different kind of game. I like it more than the original one. In the future I wish to write a spin-off like this for gladiators.

After so many years finally we have got the first real OGAM supplement. Do you remember the Osprey game, you don’t? Here you will find an exhaustive book with Celts gods in an expanded version than that on the rules. Ready in the following week. If people is interested more will be preprepared.
