Archive for the ‘ general ’ Category

One year of blogging

It was only a year ago that I put this blog online. In the meantime I posted almost a message (with photos) every 3 days. So, a lot of words and a lot of images. It is fun to speak to the world about this hobby of mine. But it is even a hard work to do. I hope you find interesting these my things. I browsed all my past post and I found a lot of memories. It was a happy year, a year of my life. Here you can find only a slice of my existence obviously, it is a portrait of myself with my hobby and related friends. I’m ready for another year of blogging. And today I’m involved in Anticamente tournament here in Rome. The report in this blog in the following hours. Let’s go on…


Another day with SDS LB

Another day in Terni, another day with Song of Drums and Shakos Large Battles (maybe in the final version the name will be without “Song”). The train left Roma station at 7.48 in the morning. This time Federico from Rome was with us. He is a veteran of Napoleonic battles. Our guest is Sergio as usual, with his game, his kindness and a powerful pasta with red and green pesto, red and green as Terni’s coat of arms.

I resulted in a very bad performance. I act as an amateur. I went straight ahead but enemy cavalry was not so convinced to permit this to me. It is true that in this manner we could destroy it because was alone in the field and under fire from our forces. At the end I put my soldiers at the will of my partner in the game, Sergio himself. But Sergio wrong move was that he didn’t develop early the reserves, especially the artillery.

As I thought, this is not the last version of SDS LB (from now DSLB). Other tweaks have to be do. Nothing so big, but something to improve the game in some situations. Linear games are even a bit complicated by geometric messes, and we don’t want a game for land surveyors.

Maybe we could see the complete game at the end of the year…


Lo Papa vero: more and weird stuff

Something more from tournament in Canino.

Canino in Italian language is “little dog”. So this is the place with the monument to a little dog, the coat of arm of the municipality.

I saw this sign. It says that is prohibited the entrance of dogs in the area (a garden for children). It is weird that the sign has a barred dog that is practically the same dog of the coat of arm!

Saturday we slept here, with open windows for the heat, in the main place of the town. Just under there is a bar. In front there is the bell tower of the church with the Bonaparte’s chapel. Near a dance hall in the open for elder people that works until the 24.30. It is like to live inside a speaker box. Gigione on the stage sung “my heart is like a dancer and it make me suffer”…

Near Canino there is this castle with a 2100 years old bridge. It was the frontier between State of Church and Tuscany. Now inside there is a museum.

And near the castle there is Vulci, a ancient and great Etruscan (and after Roman) city. Or better those that remains of Vulci. A large flat plain under the sun with some walls and basements of buildings. Two hour to walk in the area where under our feet there was a great city. It is not dug by archaeologists because we cannot conserve it. A large part of gold from Etruscans it is from here. There are camps and horses (and a lot of flies!!!) but in the museums of the world there are jewels from here.

Last picture for a pre-tournament nocturne match: me versus Narciso, to remind the rules.

Thank you very much to all people involved in this event, and thanks to Narciso for his ospitality!


When love is love

It’s a love story. You cannot deny it. These are some pictures, available to all, where you can see with your eyes which rapports are between these two great minds. It is not a scandal to show love in public, it is a natural thing. And remember, “bunga-bunga” is a Gaddafi creation, Berlusconi only adapted it.


L. E. addicted

While I was surfing the net, I put on google a search about this blog and I found that exists on blogspot another blog with a name very similar to “lead-addicted”:

Well, I was surprised by this. At the start I thought that someone had the same idea for the name but using it with a contraction, for something based on lead addiction, that is to say something based on soldiers collecting and wargame. But when I opened the page I found that someone was speaking about addiction to “limited edition” apparel! So it is for fashion victims! I like the models, but I can’t understand the contents. Moreover this blog is so arcane, there aren’t explanations, only pictures. And I cannot understand why to pay outrageous posh prices for pieces of cloth only because they are produced by a famous label. I only understand to pay a lot of money for beautiful pieces of finely sculpted pieces, casted in lead and painted by real artists…


Happy Birthday to me

42 years! They are so many! I’m feeling a bit old, but I believe I am still young too. I play with little soldiers, so I’m young, am I?

This time I hadn’t real big parties, only a little one (4 people) on Saturday night in a pizzeria, but on Sunday I made a holiday in Canino with my wargame chaps. I’ll speak about it in another post. With parents and sister I’ll have to wait until the 13th…

Birthday is time of gifts too. Here the list. Thanks to donors 🙂

From Paolo a Zaku, my favourite mecha!
From Narciso and Diego two books: a real chronicle about a soldier that fight colonial wars, two world wars, a war against oblivion of the fallen comrades; an osprey about anti tank warfare.
From all wargame friends, fresh breath in form of encapsulated mint.

From some my female colleagues this swimwear.

From Farina, Vincenzo and his fiancé Marina, Eugenio and Serena this 8 pack of Samnites (I’m enlisting troops for Song of Spear and Shield).
And more from them this mug…


Suitcased arena

This Sunday I took a break and I went to Terni to test two new games by Ganesha Games: the large battle version of Song of Drums and Shakos and a fast game for tanks. I have got photos to present them but now I haven’t time to do it. My computer passed away the last week. The collapse of HD was fatal. I think that my computer worked in this form since 2003 or 2004. I know, one day all must end. In these days I spent all my free time working on it. It is a real mess because I have to reinstall all programmes and dates, and some of them are lost forever, like a beautiful scheme for Anticamente that I wrote to help me to manage games. I must work on two big websites and now I am stopped. The great thing is that after I will recover my computer, I have to pass a lot of time on it for programming. So, no time for this blog too. And it is summer, but I can’t taste it.

For a report of the day in Terni go on Drums & Shakos blog.

Well, even this time I want to give you something, just because I prepared it before. Again with arenas.

As you can see, this arena is thought like a hole with around only an upper squared surface. There is even a handle to easily transport it, like a suitcase. Maybe all seems more a subterranean arena than a Roman arena, but this is another solution for the “arena project”.

More to read here.


Stylish Blogger Award

Well, I received a Stylish Blogger Award from mr. Zerloon. Thanks! What this means? This award is a way to spread knowledge of beautiful blogs, a different way to promote links. When you go along the chain of these links, you lost yourself among interesting blogs, too much to read them all. It is even a form to give approval and respect to other efforts beside you to give a written form to passions and hobbies. So mr. Zerloon chose my blog among others. It is an honour!

To receive an award there are four steps to follow:
1. Send a thank you and a link to the nominating blog.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Pass the word on to 10 or so other deserving blogs.
4. Let them know of your nominating them for the award.

1. Send a thank you and a link to the nominating blog

Zerloon Place is made by Lorenzo (mix the letters and you get “zerloon”) who plays boardgames and 3D wargames. He plays a lot and with different games. Here you can his reports.

2. Share seven things about yourself

1) Moscarelli is the surname, not the name.
2) I’m not so fat as you can see on photos. It’s all a matter of lens distortions.
3) If I lost a game, the rules was wrong.
4) I don’t believe in superstition practices about dice throwing. I believe in cheating dices. But until now I don’t find them to buy. Damn it!
5) My friends make fun of me because I have got only a little number of lead soldiers (this is the pretext that I utilise when a new pack of little lead men arrive in my house).
6) If you have got Romans in 15mm, you have to build them even in 28mm, then you feel the need to compose a Roman army in 10mm, but a day you will have them in 6mm too.
7) My father paint almost all my miniatures under my supervision. My mother sew my uniforms under my supervision. My sister sometimes have something to do under my supervision. So I’m a very busy man.

3. Pass the word on to 10 or so other deserving blogs

Here I have mainly chose blogs that I support because they are made by people that I know. You can always find their links on the right bar of my blog. If I suggest them, then I can give them an award!

Anticamente is a ruleset by Fabio Farneti about battles with a terrain made by hexagons, using 10mm soldiers. It is very original and smart, fresh air if you are used to only DBX geometry.

Song of Drums and Shakos is a ruleset by Sergio Laliscia about skirmishing with Napoleonic troops. It made me discover the weird world of Napoleonic uniformology.

RoninClan is a blog about Paolo Blasi hobbies about boardgames and 3D wargaming, and obviously about Japan. And like a Japanese, he take a lot of photos.

Pippoweb’s Blog is a place where Filippo Simoncini put his realisations about 3D wargaming. Sadly only a few posts, but he has a lot of things to say and show.

Parte Ghibellina is the blog of Roberto Bagna, a good painter for his 3d wargames.

And now something different. Blogs that I follow most and I think are good to know:

The Angry Lurker is a man with a mission: constant presence on the world of wargaming blogs, and with something to say.

6 Mil Phil’s Adventures in Wargaming is full of great realisations for his wargames, and the best of the best is the propaganda truck of VBCW with a mp3 player inside!

BigLee’s Miniature Adventures is a giant involved in miniatures!

Giochi sul Nostro Tavolo is an interesting blog with boardgames reviews and impressions.

As number 10 I haven’t made a choice. I read other blogs but not on regular basis, so I leave this award for a future blog that I will follow every day. And maybe that can be your.
