Archive for the ‘ ganesha games ’ Category

OGAM tournament in Macerata

More on the modelling fair in Macerata. On this post the focus is on miniature soldiers. In the photo you can find my mates Diego & Diego while they are looking for something to buy…

Some games were played around us. Here even a dungeon.

In the fair there was a chap that sculpt some lovely miniatures, but he didn’t know the world outside his region. Pity, he has great possibilities.

During these occasions you can found the same people from our circle, the vendors that trip around to sell wargaming related stuff. This is the lunch of the first day, before the opening of the fair. A fast but surprisingly good meal. Moreover that night our friends, that organised the fair, brought us to a wonderful restaurant on the hills around. Not so good the day after for the food, but the third day, in Col Fiorito on the way to home, we ate at an inn that we will remember for years to come.

Here our stand in the fair. A game of A Fistful of Kung Fu to refresh the rules in our minds.

Chillemi publisher’s stand. Speaking about some future collaboration.

I haven’t photos about the Of Gods And Mortals tournament. I have only this one about the winner of the third place, that curiously look as me. Even this year I have earned a cup, I can be pleased for the 2014.


April report

Some news about the last month that I didn’t put on these pages.

Romics is the opportunity to buy comics and watch cosplayers. I went even this time with Andrea for the Spring edition. But I chose to go the afternoon, so we had less hours for our visit. It was the first day on the four days fair but a lot of people was around the same. More stands were present. My regret was the scarce time to do more things: time flew and I couldn’t took usual tons of photos and buy all what I thought. So only a DrWho mug for upcoming dices and a comic book about Roman times. At the end a fast pizza at the station, waiting the last train to Terni for Andrea.

Another time Andrea came for a playtest session for Power Legion, the super heroes rules by Ganesha Games. We are working on them since some years but it wasn’t the right time for their publication because we were not so sure about the results. Even this time we changed some mechanics. After this session we found new ideas for a better gameplay. Andrea is writing the book just now.

Do you remember what I said about the wargame convention in Canino? Diego broke his car, Andrea broke his car, I broke my car (one foot indeed). So no convention for us from Rome. After the give up of this year Hellana and Salute, respectively to health and money problems, even Canino.

To resolve this sad situation, the day before we met with Andrea at Diego’s house, for a full playtest day on Power Legion rules. This time we had a half definitive written text, so we tried it with real slugfests.

A true kitchen game, because Diego have to buy a green game mat! However we had games packed with flying cars, crashed buildings, powerful blasts and big bosses at large. A lot of notes were taken to refining the rules. Another playtest is scheduled in the following days.


Mutants and Death Ray Guns

Some days ago Ganesha Games released a new edition of the post-apocalypse rules Mutants and Death Ray Guns. Some tweaks to the rules, some new rules, new format and new art. Digital version available for free to owners of the first edition, at a small price for the rest of the world. In a few days even the printed one will be ready.


Of Gods And Mortals – the website

This is not an April fool! Instead a new resource is available at this address:
It is the Of God And Mortals website! I made it, it is approved by Osprey Publishing and it is cured by Andrea Sfiligoi, the author of these mythological wargame rules. You can find on it: news about the game, game reports, miniatures and so on. And all the new materials to play: new pantheons (Inca, Japanese, Pre-Islamic Arabic so far, in the following Roman, Vudu, Aztec), more characters for the pantheons in the book (Celtic, Egyptian, Greek, Norse), tournament rules, Q&A, errata, a datasheet list builder and what we will think to add in the future. It is the website to support this engaging game with updated materials and news. Follow it and play with OGAM!


I’m thinking to the next Lucca Comics & Games. Yes, it is for the 1st of November but I have to prepare something to show to the audience. I haven’t got Zen Garden boxes anymore because I stopped their production. Maybe a new release in cardboard? Well, I wish newer things to old ones so I don’t think to give new life to the garden. This year I must complete my gladiatorial rules, so I haven’t so much time to develop another set of rules. Neither a fill-in. I have a great idea and I have started to work on this new project, but now it’s not the right moment. I hope my long awaited Ferrum et Gloria will be ready for November. Yeah, I know that I’m saying this thing year after year… So what to do? A playable and simplified demo? Playing with bigger figures? Propose a larger table with special effects? However I and Andrea have to think to what will be ready at that date for Ganesha Games so we can focus our efforts on some presentation. In the meantime the old Lucca C&G 2013 strike back. I found this official video on our Miniature Island. Sad thing: I and my table is not on it! However you have a general view of our space and Andrea is on it. Enjoy.


We found that Of Gods and Mortals rules can be suitable as tournament rules too. They are more sophisticated, sly and depth than you could feel during the first reading. Tournaments are the final test for rules and OGAM is strong enough to allow a fast and interesting tournament play. This time we were in the games shop in Terni. I studied the rules to act better against other tournament armies. I was looking for a powerful combination of troops to win games. I chose Athena as god, Herakles and two generic heroes as legends, and Spartans and psiloi as mortals. I lose two on three games, but only for some mistakes, because I could win another game if I was more resolute. However I had a lot of fun and I think that I’m on the right way to develop better tactics for the tournament in Macerata: the next time I want to be on the top steps of the podium.


I want to add more 28mm Chinese miniatures after the past proposal for adequate pieces to play with A Fistful of Kung Fu, published by Osprey this February. Around there are some beautiful minis that maybe you don’t know. Let’s start with NorthStar again. For their In His Majesty Name, always by Osprey, a tong is ready to be adapted to our game.

In the world of pulp fiction some exotic stories are setted in the far Orient. Pulp Figures produce YangZee Gangs, with henchmen, masters of evil and city life.

A range by Hasslefree Miniatures is dedicated to Chinese and Japanese martial arts, ancient and contemporary, with some incursions in fantasy. Who needs a gun when his fists and kicks are weapons?

More traditional are these Chinese pirates by Eureka Miniatures, useful to add hordes of yelling warriors to your wargaming table.

A good source for Chinese miniatures is the Boxer Rebellion. Traditional, exotic and pseudo-military dresses, and the use of guns, swords and lances are ideal to create particular armies. These are part of the Redoubt Enterprises range.

If you want bags of figures of the Boxer Rebellion can buy tons of lead by Old Glory Miniatures UK.

So you have the rules and you can have even a large choice for your miniatures. The only thing to do is to buy what you need and start to play.


A Fistful of Kung Fu is out!

A Fistful of Kung Fu brings the hyper-kinetic, bullet-spraying, demon-slaying, kung-fu-fighting action of Hong Kong movies and Asian cinema to the wargames tabletop. In a modern world walking a precarious line between the advances of next-generation technology and the tradition and mysticism of ancient cultures, Kung Fu schools face off in no-holds-barred tournaments, corporations hire agents and spies to steal each other’s secrets, overworked SWAT teams respond to gunfights between feuding Triad and Yakuza clans, and ancient artefacts are sought by hopping vampires, demon sorcerers and cyborgs alike. Combining the gunfights of John Woo’s Hard Boiled, the hand-to-hand combat of Enter the Dragon, the sheer mystical weirdness of Big Trouble in Little China, the wuxia action of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and everything in-between, A Fistful of Kung Fu is a skirmish wargame unlike any other.
Available by Osprey publishing in paper and digital format.

To play with adequate miniatures you can choose the official new range by Northstar miniatures! Here a gallery of all the 4 ready to play squads.

Black Hat miniatures, manufactures a full range of wuxia miniatures as wizards, zombie, phantasms, evil followers, dragons, human monkeys, warriors and so on! I cannot put here all the figures, they are a range with lots of sets.

For Ancient China, and lots of suitable henchmen, peruse the ranges made by Curteys miniatures. Various historical periods of the ancient China are available.

Do you want an huge crowd of modern Chinese civilians? And modern Hong Kong buildings? Pardulon makes 3 different sets with a total of 12 figures in civilian clothes. And modern fixtures building structures as doors, windows, drainpipes or air-conditioning units.

Ancient buildings in resin and MDF are available by various vendors. Look around for them. And play with A Fistful of Kung Fu!
