Archive for the ‘ places with a lot of people ’ Category

Ludica Roma 2013 is coming

The last month was a wargame marathon with too many events. I’m tired but satisfied. And now, the last wargame convention of the year: Ludica. This is THE wargame convention of Rome. I was crucial to find the initial contacts for it. However the real work was made since beginning by a group that I admire for their efforts to create something for players and their families.

What can you expect from Ludica? Wargame, boardgame, cardgame, other kinds of games, roleplay, live roleplay, historical swordsmanship, historical and fantasy reenactment, various kinds of hobby modelling, games for children. All this inside 4 really huge hangars. To know more go to:
And this one is the page dedicated to Ganesha Games:

That is the advert about my presence in the convention. Tomorrow is the first of 3 days. An Of Gods And Mortals tournament will be held Saturday. I and Andrea, and a lot of friends, will be in the fair. Come to say hello to us.


DBA Terni 2013

Full of events weeks. So the next posts will be dedicated to a retrospect of my past events among some new things. Now I want to show you something happened the 10th of this month: the DBA tournament in Terni.

The participants, from Roma (8), Arezzo (3) and Terni (1). We were in an hospitable miniature shop called “La Tana della Donna Nana” (“the dwarf-woman vault”, it is called from an Italian joke).

The smallest coup for the third place in the tournament. Another personal success in the last part of the season. Effectively I reached in the last three tournaments the 1st, 4th and 3rd place!

A classic DBA match that I lost: I vs Salini. This time was my very bad luck, a constant 1 result on dice.

My glorious Roman army versus vile Egyptians scum.

A classic DBA match that I win: I vs professor Mariani. This time a tie and a lot of personal boldness.

My camp. All roads lead to Rome.

One club partner of mine versus Gaul.

A couple of tables during the tournament.

Someone succeed to stop Gasbarri at the first match!!! However, after he won the other three matches…

This was the last date of the annual DBA Italian tournament, so we consigned the prize to Gasbarri as best Italian player, a fact that we know very well…

In the morning, while we were reaching the train for Terni, we saw this steam train. It was used for a special journey that day. We took a more standard train instead. And now we are waiting for the 2014 annual DBA torunament…


GiocaPerugia 2013 is coming

I’m leaving again for a wargame convention. This time is for GiocaPerugia: two days in Perugia about comics, wargames, roleplays, videogames and boardgames. A great location, inside underground medieval halls in a beautiful and historic city. Our team will be Andrea with OGAM, Sergio with 100 dices, and me with Ferrum et Gloria. A full report will follow on these pages. I didn’t forget Lisbon, Lucca and Terni reports, but I’m very busy with works, things to do for conventions and tournaments, and my main computer is falling apart. So all is delayed. The following week I hope to write almost all. However, if you want to know more about this Perugia convention go to the website:

Another reasonable ground to go to Perugia is the presence of the 2005 World Cosplay Champion, Giorgia Vecchini, that you can see in the following photo.


Lucca C&G 2013: overview

While I’m packing my miniatures for the next event, the DBA tournament in Terni, I wish to let you know about something of Lucca convention. Well, we were more that 200000 people… I still need some sleep, I have a lot of work to do, so I will publish photos and reports as soon as possible to me. In the meantime a video overview from Lucca C&G official channel.


Lucca C&G 2013 is here

This morning I’m leaving for Terni. Then, in the afternoon, I and Andrea will go to Lucca. Tomorrow is the great day, the start of Lucca Comics and Games, the event of the year. 4 days of madness among a fair/convention for 200000 people that destroy life in a city with a population of 87500 people. We will be present in the “Autori 3D” area. I’m bringing with me the last copies of Zen Garden and a draft copy of Ferrum et Gloria with my new smaller arena. Andrea will run demo versions of OGAM, Samurai Robots Battle Royale, BattleSworn and Non Andare nel Bosco d’Inverno (a roleplay game). Andrea has won the Conan 2013 award as best Italian wargame personality. He will draw his prize in a public ceremony this Thursday.

Praise to Iuppiter Pluvius to have good weather!

If I survive I will post a full report of the event. 😉


Fall season calendar

ganesha gamesThis Fall I have a very busy season about conventions, tournament and fairs. I play in tournaments or I run some demonstration games. In 3 months a total of 14 full days of wargames. You must add the necessary days for preparation, journey, rest. And remember that I have two real life jobs too. Well, this is like a third job, but without monetary earnings. This is the calendar:
7-8 Sep – Narnia Fumetto
21 Sep – DBA Rome
13 Oct – DBA Arezzo
31 Oct / 3 Nov – Lucca C&G
10 Nov – DBA Terni
16-17 Nov – GiocaPerugia
29 Nov / 1 Dec – Ludica Roma

ganesha gamesSome news about OGAM. Andrea sent to people the pre-ordered books, signed with his autograph and seal. He started a little promotional tour together with 2 tournaments. The first will be played the 16th of November in GiocaPerugia, the latter the 30th of November in Ludica Roma. I have ready lots of miniatures for Greek and Norse armies, but more armies are on arrival as Irish Celts and Egyptians, and I have plans for Sea People and Sumerian armies. At the moment we don’t know how the book is selling, but if we receive the green light from Osprey, new official armies will be developed. I’m thinking to a Roman army too, because there is a difference between Zeus and Iuppiter. However we will support the game. And now is available an official XLS spreadsheet for Of Gods and Mortals to build the armies that are in the book.

In the meantime, a work in progress image from the illustrations inside Ferrum et Gloria. Too many events these days and too much work. So I haven’t the right attention to examine the text after the first editing. I have to add some paragraphs too. I’m working on the second book yet. My father is involved with the building of a small arena and two vessels for gladiatorial naval fights. On these pages you will follow the development of these things.


DBA Arezzo 2013

Another moment from the annual DBA Italian tournament “Dionigi Ioghà”. This time we were in Arezzo. A day trip to this Etruscan city, fighting with our 15mm miniatures. The theme was about Communal Italian Wars. We tested some rules from the beta of the new version. We used the terrain displacement and armies with 3 allies from another list. Well, I don’t like this terrain thing. You can obtain a casual terrain but some results are not practicable. About the allies, we would see the final list to give a verdict.

The people from Arezzo are unbeatable. Especially Marco Gasbarri. So the final result is fixed before the roll of dices. However is fun to discover who can reach lesser positions in the highest-ranking. The stars were right, so I reached the 4th position on 16 players. No prize for me, but honour for my Papal colours.

The usual fun, chatting with friends, competition, tiredness at the end the night at home. And here a photo of the lunch: soft drinks and cheap beer for traditional Pakistan and Near East food. In Tuscan country! A blasphemy…


Happymodel (oct. 2013)

This is the market for railway modelling in Rome. Approximately every a couple of months, or more, we have this event inside a school gym. It can be the opportunity to find something that can be useful for my miniatures.

Railway modelling is a hobby almost comparable with 3D wargame. But the real effort is to create large dioramas. We think always to create a movable space where put miniatures in a way to move them easily and precisely. Instead their aim is to have a fixed realistic landscape where trains can move along a rail net. So, we have some common characteristics, but very different scales and aims.

I feel this hobby world as distant from me. I don’t mind all kinds of railway cars available and what is related to them. They are captivating but I can’t understand 120 euro for a little piece of plastic with wheels. Whereas I find justifiable the same amount of money for miniatures or action figures…

Some remarkable things. Some tramway cars used on local lines. Note the double decker used at the begin of the last century.
Below, a 54mm diorama with toy soldiers. I can’t understand why these miniatures are sold inside these kind of fairs. They aren’t trains. However I saw around someone that sold single Foundry’s medieval miniatures with a wood base and a banner at the bargain price of 12 euro… Toy soldiers hobbyists don’t know the real price of our miniatures…
